Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Bedroom Blues

Lately I have been obsessed with the color blue! That's right, I've been singing along to this gem...

Combining the desire within me to make our house more of our style and my recent fascination with blue, I took my interest to Pinterest. That's right my friends, I'm a poet and didn't know it! In case you're finding my dry humor corny (it's okay), I'll skip right to the chase and show you one of my favorite inspiration pieces I found and of course "pinned".
I should mention that the majority of my "pinning" is done on the Pinterest mobile app as you can tell by the picture above.
Anyways, do you ever wake up with the feeling that today would be your lucky day at the thrift store? All joking aside, I do. About a month ago, I had the feeling and decided to steal the fiancé's SUV because that's just how confident I felt. Lo and behold, I found a pair of bedside tables and quickly scooped them up for a mere $26! Not only are a woman's hips made for carrying children but apparently tables through a thrift store as well.
There she is! Her sister is right behind her (she is missing a knob that I have not yet replaced).

As you may have guessed, my next step was to run to our local Home Depot. I purchased some medium grit sandpaper and a can of turquoise spray paint. The semi-finished product looks something like this-
Three reasons why I said semi-finished:
  1. The sister table is missing a knob and I haven't found any that I love yet to replace it.
  2. I ran out of spray paint so not only is the sister missing a knob but she's multi-toned.
  3. It started raining while I was spray painting. Yes, raining. The drops left little dimples on the top. I'm debating whether or not to sand and paint again. I kind of like the dimples. They give the tables character and provide me with a story to tell. Who doesn't love furniture with a story?
As you can see, my bedroom is also navy blue as in my inspiration picture. I want to show you before and after pictures of the bedroom wall color but need to play around with settings on the camera first. I've learned that dark wall colors are hard to photograph well!
Have a blessed New Year!