Monday, August 20, 2012

Staying True to My Word (Day 8)

One Dress, Two Ways
 This is the same dress I wore to my sisters engagement party. I wanted a more basic but yet put together look. I paired the dress with matching wedges, my hair in a sleek bun, and oversized gold hoops. 

Dress: Target (July '12)
Shoes: Marshall's (years ago)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Beach Bag Essentials

You may or may not have noticed the lack in "Staying True to My Word" posts and it's not due to me not getting dressed but rather where I have been. I spent the past week or so on a beach vacation with my family which simply means I spent the past seven days in a bathing suit rather than an outfit from H&M. Since I would not have much to post regarding what I have been wearing, I have decided to do a post on my beach bag essentials.

In looking at this picture, seasoned moms may be wondering why my son is walking around the beach in a regular diaper rather than a swimming diaper? The answer is simply that the swimming diapers can not "hold" as much as regular pampers. Therefore, I will keep him in a regular diaper (usually with his bathing suit over it..this was an impromptu evening visit to the beach) until we go in the water. Below is a list of my essentials.

Beach Bag Essentials
  1. Baby sunblock
  2. Adult sunblock
  3. Water
  4. Sunglasses
  5. Baby hat
  6. Towel
  7. Shovel and pail
  8. A few wipes put in a zip lock bag
  9. 1 regular diaper 
  10. 2 swimming diapers
  11. Plastic bag for dirty diapers
  12. Snacks
  13. Pacifier
  14. Sippy cup

Staying True to My Word (Day 7)

This past weekend was my sister's engagement party! I found this beautiful lace dress that I really bought to pair with some amazing boots for the fall (will do a post when the time comes) but could not wait any longer to wear it. My original plan was to wear these fierce brown sandal pumps that I have with it but it rained the entire morning. Since the ground was going to be soft and the party was being held in the backyard, I opted for flats.

Dress: Target (summer '12)
Belt: H&M (summer '12)
Shoes: Forever 21 (spring '12)

Staying True to My Word (Day 6)

We recently had a wedding to attend to which allowed me to wear this beautiful high-low dress from H&M. The color is a beautiful blue while the fabric is light and comfortable. The entire outfit is actually from H&M minus the shoes I wore (not pictured but were nude pumps from ALDO). All pieces were bought between spring and summer '12.


This is a picture I found on Google Images that shows the full length of the dress.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Staying True to My Word (Day 5)

Today was a day for me! Every mom needs time to herself every now and then (notice the mirror is even rested upon the pack-n-play (I do not keep it there. The baby was not in the pack-n-play at the time. I simply did it to have a neutral background). This day I was headed out to the spa for a much needed haircut and facial. Since I wasn't going to have makeup on or my hair done going in, I opted for something casual.

Top: Forever 21 (few years ago)
Shorts: Forever 21 (few years ago)
Sandals: Forever 21 (Spring '12)

Staying True to My Word (Day 4)

Okay, I admit it (although it's obvious), my mirror is cheap and camera is bad! If this blog continues to grow, I will invest in better equipment!

Mint seems to be the color of the season right now and I have to say, it is very refreshing. It's very feminine and stands out without being too crazy. I paired the dress with a pale pink belt and nude pumps.

Dress: H&M (June 2012)
Belt: H&M
Shoes: Aldo (several years ago)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Healthy Groceries For Only $300/month or Under!!

Many people seem to be amazed that I eat as healthy as I do but yet only spend $300/month on groceries (that includes toiletries too). I wanted to share my tips for shopping on a budget while maintaining a healthy lifestyle! I will try and remember to take a picture of this months receipts to show you that it is possible.

  1. First and foremost, you can not do all of your grocery shopping at one store and expect to stay on budget (or at least this budget). As much of a pain as it is, prices range significantly depending on the product from store to store. Check your local ads for weekly sales and learn the average cost for items that you consistently buy.
  2. In regards to pricing, many people think that buying in bulk is cheaper. However, that is not always true. Without a doubt, it can save you a significant amount of money on many items but not all. I am a member of Costco's and buy many items from their regularly. On my Costco list throughout the year- milk, eggs, bread, meat (they have a wonderful selection of organic meat), laundry detergent, dish detergent, aluminum foil, cereal, plain oatmeal, juice, olive oil, toilet paper, diapers, and wipes. Seeing the total at the register for one Costco run can be shocking. You need to keep in mind that these items will last you longer resulting in you buying them less frequently. Overtime, it does save me a tremendous amount of money.
  3. Next thing you need to do is compare quantity with the price. A lot of times it is cheaper for you to buy a larger pack of something and spend a dollar or so more than it is to save a dollar off of your total but have less food. Hopefully, that makes sense.
  4. Cheaper products tend to be on the lower shelves.
  5. Stick to items on your list. Essentials are strategically placed in the back of the store so you have to pass a whole bunch of things you didn't intend on buying but end up taking home with you.
  6. Buy produce that is in season.
  7. Compare brands and ingredients.....generic is sometimes the same exact thing.
  8. Deli meat is not necessary. Make chicken salad, tuna, or pb&j. Deli meat is overpriced.
  9. Use a water filter at your home and use reusable water bottles instead of spending unnecessary money on plastic bottles.
  10. Grow your own garden that includes family favorites.
  11. Get creative in the kitchen. Learn what items work well with others and how to incorporate left overs into a new and exciting dish.
Happy budgeting!!