Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Beach Bag Essentials

You may or may not have noticed the lack in "Staying True to My Word" posts and it's not due to me not getting dressed but rather where I have been. I spent the past week or so on a beach vacation with my family which simply means I spent the past seven days in a bathing suit rather than an outfit from H&M. Since I would not have much to post regarding what I have been wearing, I have decided to do a post on my beach bag essentials.

In looking at this picture, seasoned moms may be wondering why my son is walking around the beach in a regular diaper rather than a swimming diaper? The answer is simply that the swimming diapers can not "hold" as much as regular pampers. Therefore, I will keep him in a regular diaper (usually with his bathing suit over it..this was an impromptu evening visit to the beach) until we go in the water. Below is a list of my essentials.

Beach Bag Essentials
  1. Baby sunblock
  2. Adult sunblock
  3. Water
  4. Sunglasses
  5. Baby hat
  6. Towel
  7. Shovel and pail
  8. A few wipes put in a zip lock bag
  9. 1 regular diaper 
  10. 2 swimming diapers
  11. Plastic bag for dirty diapers
  12. Snacks
  13. Pacifier
  14. Sippy cup

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